Introduce yourself, please!
We today introduce a paid subscription for those busy in polling at the level which might be called as "Professional". All basic functions are still accessible as before for free use. Restricted were only such functions as the possibility to insert one's own Google Analytics counter, transmit a form to another user, and export form arguments. Apart from that, paid subscribers will not have reflected on their forms our logo and our buttons.
Users with a free tariff will however come across a restriction in the number of respondent collected 200 answers to each form (or 100 in case if the user has more than 10 questionnaires stored). Though this restriction does not apply to forms which have already collected more answers than an established restriction or contains only one question.
We are finally prepared to present to our users our own realization of the so-called logics of poll branching. A special emphasis was laid on mechanism made easy to understand by unprepared users, why it was decided to realize this mechanism by providing for any form element or whole pages conditions required to map this element or page. Conditions may proceed from both earlier input answers to this form and from arguments using which the form was opened. So the form authors can address their respondents to one and the same form with different arguments, and, depending upon an argument sent, output or not output specific questions.