Basic attention, this time, has been given to the request of users who wanted to get an opportunity of entering texts of their own, describing the “Other” fields in components “one of a multitude” and “some of a multitude”. Besides, beyond the plan, a decision was made to add up an opportunity of changing form designs. The current decision is for users familiar with CSS.
A detailed list of alterations:
- An opportunity of describing the “Other” field in components “One of a multitude” and “Some of a multitude” has been added;
- In comments to all components, answers and system messages, a partial support messages, a partial support by BBcodes; has appeared; pictures are permissible from the following sites:,,,,,,, и; (sites have been chosen by criteria – an opportunity to obtain a link to a small-sized picture
) More detailed information will later be available in Information Section; - In comments to all components, answers and system messages, an option of inserting video elements is now available; video is permissible from these sites:, and; embed the necessary standard HTML-code;
- added section "CSS", where you can change the style of the form. In the future it will be improved and renamed to "Design". Restriction on external images such as in BBcodes. No support of @import;
- in the table appeared to detect the type columns, which makes it possible to emulate the "Other";
- corrected errors in the table;
- Added ability to set the password to the questionnaire;
- corrected output statistics, filtered by language;
- regained the opportunity to view the statistics all the answers text and string fields;
- betrayals Calendar "Date", make it easier to specify the birthdays and the like;
- Tweaked display forms with one input field;
- in exports added check on the number of columns. If there are more than 256, the format changed to CSV. Old Excel format does not support a large number of columns.